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The Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES) it is a non-profit organization, set up under the Spanish Organic Law 1/2002 on the 22 of March, with the aim to develop and promote the Manufacturing Engineering as much as its scientific and technical aspects as its useful and industrial aspects.

Although their main activities take place in Spanish territory, has international audience especially in Ibero-America and Europe.

The MES was founded in Madrid on the 29 January of 2004, the same day that were approved the statutes and defined the main guidelines. On this first founding steps, in August was officially recognized by the Spanish National Registry of Associations at the same time as other different legal requirements ended.

At the present day, it is composed by 140 members that represent the most part of Spanish universities with activity in the manufacturing field as other Ibero-American universities. But MES is not only formed by members from universities, it is also formed by members from professional and industrial areas, institutions and technology centers.

Download more information here (triptych from MES)


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