El Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (MESIC) es un congreso nacido al amparo de la Sociedad de Ingeniería de Fabricación, para cumplir con uno de sus objetivos fundacionales: la creación de foros de intercambio de experiencias en el campo de la Ingeniería de Fabricación.
Este evento es bienal y posee carácter internacional, habiéndose realizado su primera edición (con el nombre de Primer Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Ingeniería de Fabricación, CISIF-MESIC’05), en Calatayud, en septiembre del 2005. Sedes posteriores de este congreso han sido Madrid (2007), Alcoy (2009), Cádiz (2011), Zaragoza (2013), Barcelona (2015), Vigo (2017), Madrid (2019) , Gijón (2021) y Sevilla (2023).
El Congreso constituye un punto de encuentro entre investigadores y docentes en Ingeniería de Fabricación, estructurandose tradicionalmente en los siguientes simposios o áreas temáticas:
1 Advances and innovations in manufacturing processes
- Moulding & Forming
- Material removal
- Non-traditional manufacturing
- Welding, joining and assembly
- Micro and nano-manufacturing
- Additive manufacturing processes and technologies (AM)
- Hybrid manufacturing processes
- Equipment and Tooling
- Emerging manufacturing processes
2 Trends in manufacturing systems
- Integrated development of products and processes
- Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA)
- Adaptive and intelligent manufacturing systems
- Rapid product development and manufacturing
- Holonic manufacturing systems (HMS)
- Knowledge-based engineering systems (KBE)
- Lean manufacturing
- Energy efficiency, sustainability and green manufacturing
- Ergonomics in manufacturing
3 Precision engineering and Metrology
- Dimensioning and Tolerancing
- Inspection and Testing
- Measurement systems and techniques
- Industrial Quality
- Monitoring, sensing and control for manufacturing and inspection
- Virtual Metrology
4 Technologies for supporting manufacturing engineering and systems
- Mechatronics, automation and robotic applications in manufacturing
- Sensors, actuators, equipment development, tooling and control for enhancing manufacturing processes
5 Factory of the future and Industry 4.0
- Methodologies and techniques towards Industry 4.0
- Technologies for the integration of manufacturing systems in Industry 4.0
- Methods and tools for organization and management of manufacturing systems in Industry 4.0
- Digital integration of engineering activities through the whole value chain
- Vertical integration and networked manufacturing systems
6 Manufacturing engineering in society
- Training and education in manufacturing engineering
- Development of manufacturing engineering learning environments
- New trends and training strategies in manufacturing education
- History and evolution of manufacturing technologies
- Industrial heritage in Manufacturing
- Social impact of Manufacturing
- Occupational health, safety and welfare in Manufacturing
Las ediciones del MESIC han tenido una amplia respuesta, tanto nacional como internacional, habiéndose recibido gran cantidad de comunicaciones, provenientes de Europa, Estados Unidos, Iberoamérica y Asia.